Monday, August 9, 2021

Acrostic Poem About Tokyo Olympics

Today we are writing a acrostic poem about Tokyo Olympics. I love writing acrostic poems because I can write whatever I want.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Tokyo Olympic Value Medals

 During Inquiry we are learning  about the Olympic values which are... Friendship, Friendship means that you care for others if they get hurt or are sad, Respect, Respect is about listening to the referee and your opponents for e.g Shaking the other team/s hand after the competition, Excellence, Excellence is trying 100% in any sport. 

When I finished my Olympic slide I wanted to do medals for my create activity. I did the medals with my friend Uma, she did silver and bronze and I did the gold. It was simple to choose what font I wanted to use but when I was up to the detail on the medal it was challenging to do all the individual little diamonds all around the medal. In the future I might make the podium straight and make the writing in the medals tidier.

Do you use the Olympic Values?